Are colon cancer and colorectal cancer the same?
Colorectal cancer and colon cancer are often believe to be the same thing or a subset of the other. Both refer to tumors that develop in the large intestine (colon) or the rectum. However, colon and colorectal are actually different terms use for the same disease. Colon usually use in medical terms, while colorectal use mostly in scientific research. Though both terms are correct and interchangeable, understanding why doctors use them could help you in understanding your condition better.
While they may have similar names, they are two different diseases with a unique set of symptoms and treatments.
Similarities Between Colon and Rectal Cancer
Colon and colorectal cancer treatment share a number of similarities in that they occur in the lower part of the digestive tract: Colon cancer begins in the colon. Referrer to as “the large intestine” or “large bowel,” the colon is a hollow tube up of four parts: The cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, and descending colon (coincidentally name for their spiral structure). These sections all join together at the large intestine to form the rectum.
Is colorectal cancer worse than colon cancer?
“Rectal cancer is worse than colon cancer.” This statement has been repeatedly occurring, read, and seen in media reports for a long time. However, according to the AJRCCM study done at the University of Alberta Hospital and the Cross Cancer Institute in Alberta, Canada, advanced colorectal cancer was not worse than rectal cancer.
The research team studied 1753 cases of localized and locally advanced rectal cancer (stages III and IV) as well as 1398 cases of colon cancer. Considering the statistics, researchers observed that patients with rectal cancer have a more favorable 5-year survival rate compared to colon cancer patients when they are treated with surgery or radiation oncology in india.
In this study, the prognosis of local advanced colorectal cancer (stages III and IV) had a poorer prognosis than rectal cancers. This meant that rectal cancers could be regarde as equally bad as colon cancers for those whose disease is diagnose at an advance stage.
Where does colon cancer start?
Colorectal cancer is a disease that begins in the colon or the rectum. Actually, it starts in a place called the crypt, which is the innermost layer of cells. This is where most colorectal cancers begin as growths called polyps. These polyps are usually not cancerous and are usually non-cancerous (benign). There are times when these polyps become cancerous, and if this happens, it spreads to other parts of the body.
Colon cancer Affect organs
Colon cancer can cause deadly tumors to form on other organs, and when it does. These organs are often the main places cancer shows up. The liver, lungs, and peritoneum (the lining of your abdominal cavity) all have a good chance of affected. However, the liver and lungs are also commonly affecte by metastatic colon cancer. So even if you survive the primary tumor site in the colon or rectum. It’s likely that those organs will be involve by the time you pass away from the disease.