A moisture meter is the name of a calibrator designed for the measuring of moisture inside of a semisolid or solid such as the likes of cheese or concrete. Moisture meters feature a sensor probe that is linked to some sort of measurement gauge.
There were a number of uses that moisture meters were created for, including asphalt, concrete, grain, paper, soil, wood and more. The general purpose of moisture meters is to determine the readiness of a substance for use or the next step in production.
There are a number of different types of moisture meters on the market today, for a full range of moisture meters visit RS Components.
1 Concrete Moisture Meter
When flooring began to move from mainly wood to flooring that has concrete base, concrete moisture meters began to evolve. Two primary types of concrete moisture meter materialised, one intended for the measuring of the top inch of the concrete, and the other to measure around four inches down.
The former is used by builders to determine the optimum place to insert a second kind of meter, while the latter is used by floorers to work out the ways in which moisture is likely to average out in the remainder of the concrete after it has been covered.
2 Soil Moisture Meter
Wireless sensor networks are being set up by agriculturalists to work out when crops need to be watered and how much water they need. Moisture sensors are set in soil all over a farm and then signal these networks, which tells the controlling computer when to irrigate.
Soil moisture meters can also be used in a private home to help homeowners to keep their gardens healthy.
3 Grain Moisture Meters
These meters measure the moisture in grains intended for sale as the level impacts its value and its storage capability. This is to ensure that a bag of corn is not purchased only for the product to be found to be rotten when opened.
4 Plant moisture meter
This portable soil moisture meter is specifically created for houseplants to tell homeowners when to water. The probe is stuck into the pot to work out the need for water, and even serves to tell the homeowner when to stop watering.
5 Wood Moisture Meter
When first cut, the majority of wood has around 80% moisture content, and it is very difficult to burn or shape wood that is that wet. If the wood is dried too quickly, it can change shape, split or twist. Although this might be acceptable for firewood, it is clearly less suited for wood that is required for the manufacture of wood products such as furniture or for the purposes of building construction.
Manufacturers that make use of wood have to first use a moisture meter to test it, and this is also the case for carpenters, flooring installers and woodworkers. Different meter measuring types are incorporated into these meters, some of which may measure by rolling across a surface or using prongs, and some come in the machines that are used in manufacturing wood products.
Moisture meters have proven to be vital in a number of industries throughout the world.