As an owner of a website, your business needs to know everything about the hosting services you are using. What you must understand is that having hosting is not enough, you must have the right hosting solution to get the best results. It will save you a lot of hassle and pain you would otherwise go through with the wrong hosting services.
When it comes to businesses, most website owners prefer VPS hosting and Cloud hosting. Though many confuse between the two, having a good understanding of hosting services will help you reap the benefits.
In this article, we will explain the pros and cons of cloud hosting and VPS hosting. And most importantly which one should you choose for your business.
What is Cloud hosting?
A cloud hosting solution differs from other hosting solutions in that data is spread across multiple physical servers, each located in a different location. Cloud hosting offers data scalability, reliability, and flexibility. Cloud hosting refers to these servers being connected in a virtual environment. It is this virtual environment that is used to run multiple virtual machines (VMs).
VMs are programming parts of a physical server that act like a physical server, even though they are purely software. They are a virtualized version of dedicated servers. The VMs are set up privately for each individual, and no data is transferred between VMs. Each VM contains applications such as your website, as well as hosting software and tools.
Benefits of Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting lets you pay only for the resources you use. If a post goes viral, or your site experiences a large surge in traffic, you don’t have to upgrade completely. You can only scale up resources during the surge and don’t have to upgrade your package.
You can scale up and scale down your server resources effortlessly when you use cloud hosting. You can view your site’s performance in real-time with an intuitive website management dashboard, and you can scale server resources up or down as needed.
Improved Uptime
Taking advantage of multi-server technology, a cloud hosting provider can guarantee high uptime. If one server fails or is experiencing technical difficulties, you simply move to another. A traffic spike won’t force your site offline since you can scale server resources on demand.
Drawbacks of Cloud Hosting
Security Breach
Almost anything can be accessed from the cloud. However, even the largest companies can experience severe attacks and security breaches if their networks are not secure.
Possibility of Downtime
The possibility of downtime in Cheap Cloud hosting is one of the most problematic features. Even the most well-known service providers cannot avoid this. Cloud hosting is based on an entire network of servers that are entirely dependent on the internet to work.
What is VPS hosting?
VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting field, is also known as a “Private Cloud” platform. It is built on servers that employ a virtualization mechanism. They have multiple slots on a single virtual machine creating a dedicated environment. There can be dedicated resources for each slot, however, the technology commonly uses a time-sharing or resource-sharing model.
A VPS is a good choice if you want to run multiple sites and each one has several pages and plugins. If you’re expecting thousands of visitors a month, this is also an excellent choice. It’s also plenty large enough to run a multisite installation.
Benefits of VPS hosting
Dedicated resources
All of the resources of your VPS are dedicated to you, just like on a dedicated server. You also have more RAM and CPU resources on a VPS than you would get with a shared hosting account.
Better Performance
If your site has enough processing power and capacity, it will load quickly on the browser of a visitor. This can be done by dedicating more resources to your business. It will also boost your SERP rankings and encourage people to engage with your website. In addition, any operations on their servers will run faster as a result and will have a smaller impact on other operations.
Fully Managed Services
Several hosting companies provide Cheap VPS hosting, which handles this responsibility on your behalf. A quality provider will provide regular updates and maintenance for hardware and software as well as regular security patches. If a service provider does not offer these services, you must keep searching for other service providers.
Drawbacks of VPS hosting
A Virtual Private Server is normally more expensive than a shared hosting account. Managed VPS hosting is generally more expensive than unmanaged VPS hosting. The expense is higher than shared hosting, but you will receive more value per dollar than with shared hosting.
Security Issues
A VPS server is more secure than shared hosting, but it isn’t as secure as a dedicated server. With a dedicated server, you don’t share anything and you are in complete control of everything. With a VPS, you have control only of the resources you get.
It is important to choose the right cloud hosting package, be it a cloud server, VPS, or any other. So whenever you think of taking hosting services, find a reliable provider who can offer you the best yet most affordable services.